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The AudioWorks ‘Open House’ with Kevin Wolff of CH Precision and Alan Sircom of Hi-Fi+ on September 28th

AudioWorks, Cheadle

Thursday September 28th

2:00pm to 5:30pm
6:30pm to 9:00pm

The AudioWorks in Cheadle, Cheshire will be giving interested listeners the chance to enjoy the CH Precision electronics in a relaxed and convivial atmosphere. Kevin Wolff of CH Precision will be on hand to take questions on the CH equipment, while Alan Sircom, the Editor of Hi-Fi+ Magazine will be fielding queries on any other topics you care to raise. During the afternoon you can either drop in or book your own slot if you prefer. In the evening, simply turn up to enjoy the system, the music and a glass of wine.

Equipment on hand will include:

Vertere MG1 (or possibly an LP12 with the Supatrac Blackbird Tonearm) and Lyra Etna Lambda
CH Precision P1 Phono-stage
CH Precision D1.5 CD/SACD/Transport/ Player
CH Precision L1 Line-stage
CH Precision X1 Power-supply
CH Precision M1.1 Power Amplifier
Finkteam Borg Loudspeakers


The AudioWorks, 14 Stockport Rd, Cheadle, SK8 2AA

Tel. +44 161 428 7887
E-mail: [email protected]

Call or email Larry Ogden if you’d like to make an appointment.


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