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north west audio show

June 13th, 2024 – High-end audio distributor Renaissance is pleased to announce the UK debut of Audiovector’s Trapeze Reimagined loudspeaker. The stunning speaker will be showcased for the first time in the UK as part of an extraordinary system featuring products from MOON and Nordost at this year’s North West Audio Show.

The new Trapeze Reimagined is a classic piece of Danish design. It borrows its styling from 1979’s Trapez speaker and adds the latest audio technology to give an intoxicating performance that will captivate even the most difficult to please listener.

Renaissance’s system at the show will feature a pair of Trapeze Reimagined speakers driven by a pair of MOON 761 power amplifiers and a MOON 791 network player/preamplifier. A full loom of Nordost’s Valhalla 2 reference cables will unite the system and Nordost’s QBase Reference QB10 will manage the power distribution.

Valhalla 2 is Nordost’s Reference range of high-performance audio cables that are designed to allow a recording to be heard at its best. The QBASE Reference is a multifaceted, reference-level AC distribution unit that operates as a filter-less alternative to power conditioners, delivering pristine power to audio components.

The MOON 791 combines a high-performance streamer and an exceptional phono stage in a state-of-the-art analog preamplifier with a brilliant new colour display for album cover art, track details, and set-up functions. Its abundance of features is surpassed only by its unmatched build and sound qualities. The MOON 761 power amplifier effortlessly produces every detail in a recording with authoritative finesse and transparency. The 791 and 761 are a natural pairing which perfectly complements the Trapeze Reimagined.

Renaissance Managing Director, John Carroll, said, ‘Audiovector’s Trapeze Reimagined is one of the most versatile loudspeakers that I have ever heard. I was at its press launch in Copenhagen earlier this year and the performance put a smile on everyone’s face. In creating a system that also features MOON and Nordost reference products, we plan to present the best sound at the show.’

The North West Audio Show takes place on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd June at De Vere Cranage Estate, Byley Lane, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire CW4 8EW
Opening Hours: Saturday: 9:30 – 18:00, Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

 Renaissance will be in room Stephenson 4

 For more information, visit: www.renaissanceaudio.co.uk

 Renaissance distributes Audiovector, MOON, Nordost & VPI Industries products in the UK and Ireland.


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