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Shunyata Research Omega XC

Shunyata Research Omega XC

When we reviewed the Everest power distributor in issue 210, we mentioned that it is designed to work with the Shunyata Research Omega XC power cord. However, time and the number of pages we had to spare precluded talking about Omega XC. Now’s the time to address that. Omega XC is notable for being chunky. Make that ‘girthy’. But surprisingly flexible.

In making Omega XC, Shunyata Research’s Caelin Gabriel set himself a challenge. “Create a power cord for Shunyata Research power conditioners that allows the conditioner to achieve its absolute maximum performance. Remove any and all constraints regarding construction time and difficulty and ignore cost limitations to produce the ultimate power cord.” So, no biggie!

Three years

The Omega XC is the result of a research project that spanned more than three years, involving hundreds of tests, designs and construction solutions. The Omega XC features Shunyata Research’s VTX-Ag conductors in a hefty four-gauge size.

Dynamic Transient Current Delivery (DTCD) analysis is an important part of the design stage. This technique measures instantaneous current through low-impedance electrical conductors and contacts. Shunyata Research uses it to optimise the design, specification and construction of parts and materials to ensure maximum current delivery performance. Analysis of each part, conductor, noise circuit and material makes a cable capable of the maximum throughput of instantaneous current.

Omega XC also uses Shunyata’s own CopperCONN connectors. These plugs and sockets use internal metals of solid copper and feature high-tension spring-loaded contacts for a vice-like grip. This contributes to a measurable improvement in the DTCD analysis described above. The conductors are Shunyata’s VTX-Ag designs. VTX-Ag conductors use an outer tube geometry of very high-purity copper surrounding an inner core of the purest form of silver.

Shunyata Research’s proprietary Kinetic Phase Inversion Process (KPIP) includes four days of continuous processing to dramatically reduce burn-in time and significantly improve sonic performance, delivering a relaxed and life-like presentation. So, running in is done for you and using a burn-in device or disc is not recommended.

The cable comes in three colours, both in the outer shield and with Shunyata Research’s own true carbon fibre rigid housings at the terminations of the power cord.

Designed for Everest

This cable is dedicated to power conditioning and is essentially designed for Everest. We used it in both that context and with an IsoTek V5 Aquarius. This is not the sort of grouping we’d recommend (cable costing more than the conditioner is a no-no), but it shows just how far the Omega XC raises the game. The improvement is significant and brings out the qualities of the IsoTek device into sharp focus.

But this isn’t where the Omega XC will end up. Now, we get to the Omega XC/Everest 8000 combination and a state of grace is achieved. Sometimes we talk about synergy in good audio, but this combination sings so well it’s more like symbiosis.

It’s here where things get crazy; the level of improvement is substantial, even at relatively cheap system levels. If you want a better proof of concept of Caelin Gabriel’s assertion that the biggest source of noise is one hi-fi component chattering to another via its power sockets, hook up a system that costs less than the Omega XC to the Omega XC/Everest 8000 grouping. In my case, this was a Primare I35 Prisma fed by a Naim UnitiCore. There was a marked improvement to the background and the sheer integrity of the sound. Sure, only reviewers and dealers wanting to show their low-cost kit at its best would do this, but it shows just what Shunyata is capable of.

Hiking up the mountain

The same performance hike happens in more upscale systems, even though you are often at a very high altitude. When you are at the point where well into five figures for power is a consideration, the Shunyata Everest/Omega XC is there for you. The presentation of the soundstage is immense, with the size and scale of images increasing while maintaining their correct physicality. You don’t get 50’ wide guitars; you get right-sized guitars in a larger listening space. It’s quite uncanny.

What I found strange about this Shunyata combination (in a truly good way) was that it was tapping into that audio attractor first on each person. You notice the good staging first, if that is your ‘thing’. On the other hand, if it’s inner detail and clarity you crave, the Everest/Omega XC lays open the mix. The same with dynamic range, rhythm, coherence, and the rest. What I take this to mean is the improvements are across the board, and it just pushes your buttons in order.

It hit my personal triggers of good rhythm and open yet precise soundstaging. This enhancement led to exploring different aspects of the musical whole. In close listening it was like peeling back layers of an onion. Each part of the presentation I focused on was improved without any tightly discernable marks against it.

The other upside is that it makes most products more like their archetype. For example, you don’t spend money on a top-notch and characterful CD player to have its performance laid flat by an over-equalising power condition and cable. The Shunyata brings out the innate Gryphon-ness of a Gryphon, the Burmestery flavour of Burmester, and so on.

You complete me!

Finally, we can complete the review from Issue 210. Designing Everest and Omega XC power cord as a unit means they complete one another. Everest requires the best possible power to bring out its best side, and the Omega XC gets out of the way of the juice in a way that every power conditioner would dream of using. Both work with other settings, but this pairing works so well; why change?

You could argue the Shunyata Research Omega XC power cord is a one-trick pony. If so, it’s one hell of a trick and one hell of a pony. It’s not designed for any other application apart from running between wall and power conditioner. It works well in those other applications, but the task has better power cords, both in and out of the Shunyata line. But if you need what the Omega XC supplies, there is nothing better!

Price and contact details

Price £7.000 /1.75m as standard


Shunyata Research Inc.


UK Distributor

Boyer Audio


+44(0) 330 223 3769


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