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- Stenheim Alumine Two.Five floorstanding loudspeaker
- SME Model 60 One of One turntable and tonearm
- HSE Masterline 7 phono preamplifier
- Russell K. Red 50Se stand-mount loudspeaker
- Benchmark Media Systems DAC3 B digital to analogue converter
- Oephi Immanence 2.5 floorstanding loudspeaker
- Bowers & Wilkins 702 S3 Signature floorstanding loudspeaker
- AVID Accent integrated amplifier
- Heed Audio Lagrange S integrated amplifier
- Audience ClairAudient 1+1 V5 stand-mount loudspeaker
- NAD M66 streaming preamplifier
- CAD Ethernet Control network noise isolator
- Atlas Cable Arran Ultra L RCA Grun interconnect cables
- English Electric EE1 network noise isolator
- Dana Gillespie Singer-songwriter, actress, close friend of David Bowie… Dana Gillespie is back with a new album and a break with the blues!
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